— Resource Profile: BC Flood Investigations Reports —

May 2022

Our Flood Management Resources section is set to expand, so be sure to loop back – and offer your suggestions on resources colleagues will want to read and reference, such as  Investigations in Support of Flood Strategy Development in British Columbia. This was a multi-year project – completed in 2021 – to help various governments and other organizations better understand current challenges and opportunities for flood management in BC.

Consulting teams reviewed over 40 flood-related issues, including on flood governance, hazard and risk assessment, planning, structural and non-structural mitigation, forecasting, emergency response and recovery, and funding and resources. The initiative was funded by the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. The Fraser Basin Council managed and coordinated the projects as well as the overall initiative.

Key recommendations from the projects fall under eight general categories:

  • Facilitate training, education and knowledge sharing
  • Improve data, information and tools
  • Develop vision and targets
  • Strengthen guidelines and standards
  • Support integrated flood management approaches
  • Facilitate collaboration
  • Provide strategic and comprehensive funding
  • Adapt organizational roles and responsibilities

All projects point to the need for enhanced funding, capacity and governance for more effective flood management, including in the development of foundational information tools, flood management planning and emergency response planning, and implementation of flood mitigation measures.

Read the Reports.


BC flood investigations reports