— Draft 1 Work in Progress Update —

August 2021

The Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy is intended to better reduce flood risk and support all orders of government and other organizations that share flood management responsibilities in the region. Through to March, 2021 the Fraser Basin Council (FBC) received preliminary input on a first draft of the strategy from federal, provincial, local and First Nations governments as well as several infrastructure and other regional entities. Many have been active participants throughout Phase 2, by providing financial support and/or expertise and other in-kind support.

The draft strategy is identifying high level objectives and recommendations under three main goals, currently framed to:

  1. Improve understanding of Lower Mainland flood risk and increase awareness
  2. Support investment and actions to reduce flood risk, avoid the creation of new risk, and build resilience of communities, ecosystems and critical infrastructure
  3. Strengthen flood risk governance in the Lower Mainland.

Following this first round of input from flood authorities on Draft 1 of the Strategy, Draft 2 will be the focus of discussion and development. FBC will invite a second round of input by flood authorities and regional organizations having flood-related responsibilities.

It is expected that draft for public comment is planned, most likely in early 2022. Watch for updates.

It will be for flood authorities in the region to endorse a regional strategy, determine priorities and an implementation plan. To learn more, see an overview on Phases 1 to 3 of the LMFMS.