Highlights of Phase 2:
Final Reports for Phase 2:
Phase 2 Highlights
The Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy (LMFMS) initiative wrapped up in 2023. This multi-year initiative was aimed at supporting the development of a regional strategy to reduce the risks associated with Fraser River and coastal flooding and to increase the flood resilience of BC Lower Mainland communities. A multi-governmental leadership committee oversaw Phase 2 and the final reports.
Technical Highlights
Phase 2 expanded on the technical work begun in Phase 1. The following projects were completed:
- Hydraulic Flood Modelling and Mapping in the Lower Mainland (2019)
- Flood and Environment Atlas (2019)
- Lower Mainland Flood Risk Assessment (2020)
- FloodWise website (2020)
- Lower Mainland Dikes: An Analysis of Freeboard and Vulnerability (2022)
Strategic Work
During Phase 2 of the LMFMS, a preliminary working draft of a strategy was developed and input was invited from governments having various flood responsibilities. The process identified areas of consensus but also differences. The Pathways to Action report sets the background and 10 recommendations to frame the next steps for government-to-government collaboration on flood risk reduction.
To move forward on the issues, the multi-governmental leadership committee overseeing the initiative recognized that more work lay ahead, including the need to align regional or subregional flood planning in the Lower Mainland with the upcoming BC Flood Strategy. It also recognized the need to co-create flood risk reduction approaches with First Nations in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
The Province of BC will follow up to discuss the Pathways to Action report with First Nations and other orders of government. One of the early priorities for flood risk reduction recommended in the Pathways report is protecting critical infrastructure and essential services in the region.
Phase 2 Final Reports
These are the final reports and related materials from Phase 2 of the LMFMS initiative.
Pathways to Action for Flood Risk Reduction and Resilience
Summer 2023
The Pathways to Action report summarizes progress to date on key issues relevant to flood management and opportunities for all orders of governments to move forward collaboratively to reduce flood risk, increase resilience and adapt to climate change.
The Pathways to Action Report and recommendations were developed at the direction of the LMFMS Leadership Committee, with input from a multi-jurisdictional Pathways to Action Working Group and the Emergency Planning Secretariat.
Synthesis of Technical Analysis
Summer 2023
The Synthesis of Technical Analysis report summarizes the information and tools developed and shared with flood authorities and other organizations through the LMFMS initiative respecting Fraser River and coastal flood hazards and risks. The report was prepared by the Fraser Basin Council.
Related Materials on Final Reports
- Highlights of Pathways to Action and Synthesis of Technical Analysis reports
- Briefing Note on Pathways to Action and Synthesis of Technical Analysis reports
- See below for Technical Project Reports and Materials
Phase 2 Technical Reports and Materials
Here are the Phase 2 technical project reports, maps and other deliverables. Phase 2 regional maps are available in Flood Strategy Maps.
Flood Modelling and Mapping in BC’s Lower Mainland: A Project Primer
Here’s an overview of the hydraulic modelling and mapping project in Phase 2: Flood Modelling and Mapping in BC’s Lower Mainland: A Project Primer.
In this project, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants was contracted to develop a comprehensive flood model to run a range of future flood scenarios for the Lower Mainland, based on different climate conditions, river flows and potential dike breaches.
Looking for the Maps?
For maps and short animations from the project, see LMFMS Flood Maps.
Learn About the Flood Modelling & Mapping!
Flood Primer Video
This video from 2019 illustrates three sample flood scenarios simulated using the Lower Fraser 2D Flood Model during Phase 2. The flood model was used to simulate over 20 different sample scenarios to reflect floods of different sizes, projected climate change impacts and hypothetical dike breaches.
When the Waters Rise Videos
Who’s Been Involved in Phase 2?
Over 60 governments, agencies and other bodies with responsibilities and interests in flood management have been involved in the Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy initiative. In some cases, these participants have provided funding support, in–kind support or input on components of the work.
About the Leadership Committee
The LMFMS initiative was under the direction of a Leadership Committee, with input from a Joint Program Committee for Integrated Flood Management, project-specific advisory groups and working groups, and with support from the Fraser Basin Council as secretariat. The Leadership Committee oversaw completion of the final Pathways to Action report.
Thanks to all governments, organizations and individuals that contributed to the work of this initiative throughout Phases 1 and 2, including all members of advisory groups. The Leadership Committee and the Fraser Basin Council also acknowledge with gratitude the contributions and support of Stó꞉lō Tribal Council Chief and Chair of the Emergency Planning Secretariat, Tyrone McNeil, in the development of the Pathways to Action report.
The LMFMS Leadership Committee and the Fraser Basin Council acknowledge Phase 2 financial support from the Government of Canada and the Government of BC through the National Disaster Mitigation Program.
Members of the Leadership Committee
as of Summer 2023
Sarah Fraser, Assistant Deputy Minister, Southcoast Region, BC Ministry of Forests
Kathryn Forge, Assistant Deputy Minister, Disaster Mitigation, BC Emergency Management and Climate Readiness
Andrew Hannan, Regional Director, Public Safety Canada
Sonia Talwar, Regional Director, Natural Resources Canada
Anna Classen, Regional Director General, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Jason Lum, Chair, Fraser Valley Regional District and Councillor, City of Chilliwack
Jag Gill, Director, Fraser Valley Regional District and Councillor, District of Mission
John McEwan, Vice-Chair, Metro Vancouver and Mayor, District of Anmore
Nicole MacDonald, Director, Metro Vancouver and Mayor of the City of Pitt Meadows
Dylan Kruger, Director, Metro Vancouver and Councillor of the City of Delta
A Joint Program Committee (JPC) for Integrated Flood Hazard Management and various project advisory committees and working groups provided input to strategy work in Phase 2. The JPC and working groups were composed primarily of representatives of organizations having flood responsibilities in the Lower Mainland.
The Leadership Committee established a Pathways to Action Working Group to help address priority issues for the final Pathways to Action report in 2023. The Leadership Committee also received valuable input from the Emergency Planning Secretariat in preparing and finalizing that report.
The Fraser Basin Council served as the facilitator and coordinator of the Phase 2 process, with guidance from the Leadership Committee and input from participants. FBC reported on progress to the Leadership Committee, advisory committees and participating organizations.
Other Flood Projects of Interest
Here are some current flood projects relevant to the Lower Mainland, though not part of the Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy initiative.
Lower Mainland Flood News
BC Flood Strategy
— BC Flood Strategy — The Province of British Columbia is working on a new BC Flood Strategy to help to reduce flood risks and enhance the resilience of communities to future flood events. An Intentions Paper called From Flood Risk to Resilience was the
Resource Profile: Flood Scenarios
— Resource Profile: Flood Modelling Scenarios — May 2022 The Lower Fraser 2D Flood Model was used to simulate over 20 different scenarios to reflect floods of different sizes, projected climate change impacts and hypothetical sample dike breaches. Find an overview of this work in
Resource Profile: BC Flood Investigations Reports
— Resource Profile: BC Flood Investigations Reports — May 2022 Our Flood Management Resources section is set to expand, so be sure to loop back – and offer your suggestions on resources colleagues will want to read and reference, such as Investigations in Support of